Contact Us
Housing Administrative Services

Housing Administrative Services (HAS) is located on the 2nd floor of the Laurelin Tower in Middle Earth, at the top of the stairs along Ring Road. This is where students can get general housing information. Housing Advisors are available with information about on-and off-campus housing options.
557 E. Peltason – Laurelin Tower, Suite 2301
Irvine, CA 92697-3250
(949) 824-6811
M–F: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sat & Sun: Closed
Undergraduate Housing
Residents living in undergraduate housing may contact their community housing office for information and assistance.
Arroyo Vista
1000 Arroyo Drive, Irvine, CA 92697-3935
(949) 824-3900
M-F: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Mesa Court
4053 Mesa Road, Irvine, CA 92697-3925
(949) 824-6177
M-F: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Middle Earth
529 East Peltason Drive, Irvine, CA 92697-5521
(949) 824-5976
M-F: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Community Assignments
Located in Palo Verde:
7000 Palo Verde Road (2nd floor), Irvine, CA 92697-3930
(949) 824-8918
M-F: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Residential Living and Learning
Located in Verano Place:
6529 Adobe Circle Road South, Irvine, CA 92697-6375
(949) 824-5964
M-F: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Housing Operations Service Center responds to requests for repairs and maintenance questions for UCI Housing communities.
Located in Campus Village:
1063 West Peltason Drive, Irvine, CA 92617-1950
(949) 824-7491
M-F: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
ACC Apartment Communities
Camino del Sol, Plaza Verde, Puerta del Sol, Vista del Campo, Vista del Campo Norte
Contact the ACC Apartment Communities.