Waitlist Updates
Housing offers to the waitlist are based on the unit types available and application category and application completed date/time stamp. The data presented below shows current waitlist applications by category and date of completion. Waitlist offers for fall 2024 are expected to be limited in number and in terms of floor plans still available. Expanding floor plan preferences could improve the time frame of potential housing offers. You can update preferred floorplans (up to 20) on your housing application without losing your place on the waitlist.
How Offers Are Made
Offers are made according to waitlist category and application date. Students in Category 1 are served before those in Category 2 (see Category descriptions below). When a vacancy occurs, an offer will be extended to the applicant with the earliest application date, in the category that is being served, who included that floor plan as one of their selections.
Category 1: Ph.D., M.F.A., J.D., or Prime LC, LEAD ABC, and MSTP M.D. students who missed the application deadline; Medical students; Students with children living with them
Category 2: Masters students; Undergraduate students who are 25 years or older, married, or in a domestic partnership (no children)
You may send an email to: gradstatus@housing.hsg.uci.edu if you have a question that is not addressed by this information, but keep in mind that we are not able to provide estimates on when a specific individual might receive a housing offer.
Current Housing Waitlist Numbers
As of (1/6/2025)
To help you assess your approximate place in the waitlist and the likelihood of receiving an offer for placement moving forward, you should consider the following data pertaining to the waitlist and compare it to your placement category, preferences and application completed date. Waitlist offers are expected to be very limited in number based upon our occupancy. You may update your floorplans (up to 20) and other preferences at any time and resubmit your application without losing your place on the waitlist via the Student Housing Gateway.
Placement from the waitlist is not guaranteed.
There are currently 693 Category 1 (422 single / 271 family) and 666 Category 2 (600 single / 66 family) students on the housing waitlist. The table below displays applications by date window:
Waitlist Applications by Application Type: