Off-Campus Housing

Finding a Place To Live

Anteater Housing Network

The Anteater Housing Network (AHN) provides off-campus housing, sublets, and roommate listings for UCI students. Students can post an ad for a housing or a roommate or create a roommate profile from the My Account page on the AHN website.  Property listers can use the AHN website to list their rooms or houses for rent.

If you have questions or need assistance, call the Customer Support Team at (877) 895-1234 or email at: .

The UCI Basic Needs Center also offers Community Resources to assist students looking for off-campus housing.

Legal Information for Tenants and Landlords

Landlord – Tenant Frequently Asked Questions

Fair Housing Council of Orange County website provides a list of Landlord – Tenant frequently asked questions.

Brief Summary of Landlord/Tenant Rights and Responsibilities

Off Campus Housing Landlord/Tenant Rights and Responsibility

Building a good relationship with your landlord will be helpful if any problems arise during your tenancy. Both landlords and tenants have rights and responsibilities. Knowing these will assist you with your living arrangement. If you encounter a problem, it is best to confront it in a direct, mature fashion. You need to know your rights, and don’t be shy about informing your landlord of them.

A lease is designed to protect both you and your landlord. Make sure you read the lease thoroughly. You are bound to any terms in the lease.

Based on California Civil Code 1941, a landlord is obligated to provide the following:

  1. Effective protection against the elements (i.e. roof and walls that do not leak)
  2. Plumbing facilities which function properly, including hot and cold running water and sewage disposal
  3. Working heating facilities
  4. Properly maintained electrical wiring
  5. Sanitary building and grounds free from debris, filth, rodents, cockroaches, etc.
  6. Adequate garbage receptacles
  7. Floors, stairways, and railings in good repair
  8. Reasonable notice (usually 24 hours) to enter your apartment unless there is an emergency

The landlord has a reasonable time to correct any of these deficiencies. A reasonable time may differ depending on the problem. For your protection, you should make all complaints in writing and keep a copy for your records.

The tenant must:

  1. Keep the premises clean and undamaged
  2. Dispose of garbage and trash properly (unless the landlord has agreed to do this)
  3. Use all electrical, gas, and plumbing fixtures properly and keep them as clean as their condition permits
  4. Keep any person on the premises with permission from willfully damaging the premises or the facilities
  5. Use each room only for the purpose for which it was intended
  6. Inform landlord of all roommate changes

How to handle problems:

If you have abided by all the responsibilities as a tenant, and the landlord continues to disregard problems with the property, you can stay and endure, move out, or seek advice from Housing Administrative Services on the 2nd floor of the Laurelin Tower in Middle Earth, at the top of the stairs along Ring Road. You can also contact the Fair Housing Council of Orange County at (714) 569-0823. We suggest that you inspect the dwelling carefully before moving in. If you find any unsafe or unhealthful conditions, it is in your best interest to look for someplace else rather than trying to have conditions corrected after you move in.



The listing of rental units on this site is a service to local rental property owners and the UCI community. Rental property owners are responsible for reporting information fairly and accurately, UCI and Off Campus Partners cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of such information. Inclusion of any property or rental unit on this website does not constitute, and shall not be construed or reported as (1) an endorsement or approval by UCI or Off Campus Partners of the landlord, its properties, or its business practices, or (2) a warranty or representation by UCI or Off Campus Partners as to the quality, safety or other features of such property and/or its owners or management agent(s). UCI and Off Campus Partners expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for any problems that may arise with regard to such property or rental units or with regard to disputes between landlords and tenants concerning such property or rental units. All prospective tenants are encouraged to exercise their own good judgment when evaluating a prospective rental unit or landlord.