Dining Options

Meal Plan Options

Students living in the residence halls are required to select one of the following meal plans:

    • 5 Weekday Meal Plan + 75 FlexDine Dollars per quarter
      (This plan is ONLY valid MONDAY–FRIDAY)
    • 7 Day Meal Plan + 50 FlexDine Dollars per quarter
    • 135 Meal Plan + 75 FlexDine Dollars per quarter

All other students may select from a variety of voluntary meal plan options. Visit food.uci.edu, or call (949) 824-4182 for menus and a list of meal plan options.

Meal Plan Usage

Meal plans can be used at the Anteatery, in Mesa Court, or at Brandywine Commons in Middle Earth. Be sure to bring your Student ID card with you, as your meal plan and FlexDine dollars are loaded onto it. The 135 Meal Plan does not carry over to the next quarter, so be sure to use them by the end of the quarter.  Each Housing Meal Plan includes ten Guest Meals per quarter, which may be used to treat friends or family, or may be used for yourself. For the 135 Meal Plan, these 10 Guest Meals are included as part of the 135 total Meals. Unused Guest meals do carry over from one quarter to the next, but must be used by the end of the Spring Quarter. If you need more meals, you can add additional ones to your card by purchasing FlexDine dollars or a Voluntary Meal Plan.

Misuse of meal cards or attempted entry into the dining facilities without a valid meal card will be reported to Student Housing, and a record of the incident will be filed. Repeat offenders will be handled through the Housing conduct process or referred to the Office of Student Life and Leadership (Dean of Students).

Lost Cards

The dining facilities will not admit you without your meal card. If you have lost your meal card:


Step 1Log onto the Atrium account management website to deactivate/re-activate your meal card. Click on Manage Meal Plan. Click on Voluntary Meal Plan Purchase/Meal Plan Information. Click on Account Management. Click on Lost/Stolen to deactivate/re-activate meal plan.


Step 2Contact Card Services at: cardservices@uci.edu to report your card missing.


Step 3For a replacement card, contact cardservices@uci.edu. Or for a digital ID go to the Atrium account management website. A meal wallet pass is also available on the Atrium website/app.

Misuse of meal cards or attempted entry into the dining facilities without a valid meal card will be reported to Student Housing, and a record of the incident will be filed. Repeat offenders will be handled through the Housing conduct process or referred to the Office of Student Life and Leadership (Dean of Students).

UCI Dining Guidelines

Dining on the Run

Don’t have time for a meal in the dining halls? Order a meal to go via the UCI Dining Services web site.

Barbecue Grills

Grills are located throughout each community.

Retreat Meals (Minimum of 15 students)

A retreat meal is a packaged meal for a group of students intended to be used for meetings/events off-campus. Retreat forms are available at the cashier stations at The Anteatery (Mesa Court) and Brandywine Commons (Middle Earth) and must be turned in to the dining manager 72 hours prior to your event. Participants’ meal card numbers are then entered into the UCI Dining ID card system and one meal will be deducted from their quarterly meal plan allowance. Up to three retreat meals allowed per group. Retreat meal menus are viewable online at ucidining.com. This option is not available during finals week.

Sick Trays

If an illness or injury leaves you unable to go to The Anteatery or Brandywine for your meals, you can request for a sick meal to be prepared by Dining Services and designate your RA or Hall Mate to pick up your meal for you. Once the meal request is processed, a swipe will be deducted from your meal plan. A sick meal request form must be submitted for each day it is needed, and must include the specific meals to be picked up for that day. By submitting request for a sick meal, you are authorizing someone to pick up meals for you in your place. You are also authorizing UCI Dining to deduct meal swipes from your meal plan. Note: You must notify your designated person to pick up your sick meals for you during the times listed below.

Submission and Pick Up Times:
Meal requests must be submitted at least TWO hours prior to pick up:
Breakfast – Must submit the request by 7:00am that morning – pick up between 9:00am-10:30am
Lunch – Must submit the request by 9:00am – pick up between 11:00am-1:00pm
Dinner – Must submit the request by 4:00pm – pick up between 6:00pm-8:00pm

Please contact dining@uci.edu for any questions

Special Diets

If you require a special diet for medical reasons, we are well prepared to assist you by customizing our menu to fit your needs. Please contact one of the dining managers for complete information and to assist you with developing your special diet. To consult with a nutritionist, you may contact the UCI Health Center at (949) 824-5301 or UCI Health Education at (949) 824-9355.


Students holding a Housing meal plan may use up to 10 swipes per quarter for guests, and unused guest meals roll over to the next quarter, expiring at the end of the academic year. Alternatively, guests without meal plans must pay at the door for their meal. We accept cash, MasterCard, and Visa. Check the UCI Dining Website for pricing.

Student with Children

Single & Under 25 Housing Options

Middle Earth

Mesa Court

Arroyo Vista

ACC Apartments

Single & Under 25 Housing Options

Middle Earth

Mesa Court

Arroyo Vista

ACC Apartments