Graduate Housing Sublets
Looking for a sublet?
The Anteater Housing Network offers access to both on- and off-campus sublet listings. Sublets are most available during summer. On-campus sublets are for UCI students only and must be approved by the renter’s housing community (and by the apartment-mate, where applicable). Individual arrangements are managed by the renter and subtenant. Visit the Anteater Housing Network and click on “Housing” to get started looking for a sublet.
Want to Sublet your Housing space?
On-campus residents who wish to sublet their space should first check in with their community housing office to learn about sublet policies and required paperwork. Required sublet forms for each graduate housing community are linked below.
Please remember that a sublet agreement is between the lease holder and the subtenant, and the lease holder remains the responsible party for the term of the lease.
Keep In Mind…
- Lease holders may not charge the subtenant more than their rental rate for the sublease period.
- Restrictions may apply in terms of maximum duration (e.g., one quarter) and eligibility (e.g., in terms of gender or class level) for the sublet.
- Be sure to ask/provide information about access to Parking and to Internet/WiFi.
- On-campus housing have policy restrictions around animals and do not allow pets in some cases. Service animals require documentation through the UCI Disability Services Center.
- UC Irvine is a smoke-free campus. Smoking and other use of tobacco products (including e-cigs/vaping) is not allowed, including in parking lots and other outdoor areas.
- Sublet agreements are between the lease holder and subtenant. The lease holder remains financially responsible for their space.
- American Campus Communities (Vista del Campo, VDC Norte, Camino del Sol, Puerta del Sol) require that:
- The sublet period is no longer than one quarter, unless specific approval is granted
- Multi-gender housing options must be approved by the community leasing office
- Subtenants must be UCI-affiliated during the sublease period
Subleasing Forms
If you are seeking to sublet your on-campus housing space and have found an eligible subtenant, print and complete the sublease forms for your space, and submit them to our Graduate and Family Housing Assignments Center located at Palo Verde or email form to:
If looking for subleasing information for Campus Village, Palo Verde or Verano Place, please see the Sublease Guidelines and Sublease Agreement.
If you are looking for subleasing information for one of the American Campus Communities, please consult your community leasing office.