Maps & Parking

Arroyo Vista

Address: 1000 Arroyo Drive, Irvine, CA 92697-3935


Arroyo Vista Community Map
Community Map
Theme House Legend

Interactive Driving Directions
Personal Mobility Device Path
Personal Micromobility Device Pathways

Campus Shuttle

Visit Anteater Express for the most up to date shuttle schedule.


All vehicles must have a valid parking permit in order to park on-campus.  Parking permits are required on the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are only available for purchase online.  Visit UCI Transportation for more information.

Campus Village

Address: 1063 West Peltason Drive Irvine, CA 92697-1950


Campus Village Community Map     

Community Map                                                 Interactive Driving Directions


All vehicles must have a valid parking permit in order to park on-campus.  Parking permits are required on the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you are a Campus Village resident, have a vehicle you wish to park at UCI, and do not have an active MyCommute, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Show a copy of your DMV vehicle registration to the CV Community Center staff.
  2. Check your UCI email for an email from UCI’s Transportation and Distribution Services with a link to the myCommute portal.
  3. Click on the myCommute link provided in the email and add your license plate number to your profile. Please note: Parking Registration is NOT complete until you add your license plate to myCommute.
  4. Refer to the Parking and Transportation “student” webpage for approved resident parking locations for Campus Village.

Residents are responsible for verifying and updating vehicle information. Vehicles not properly registered are subject to citation.

Mesa Court

Address: 4053 Mesa Road Irvine, CA 92697-3925


Mesa Court Community Map
Community Map

Interactive Driving Directions
Personal Mobility Device Path Map
Personal Micromobility Device Pathways


All vehicles must have a valid parking permit in order to park on-campus.  Parking permits are required on the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are only available for purchase online.  Visit UCI Transportation for more information.

Middle Earth

Address: 529 East Peltason Drive Irvine, CA 92697-5521


Middle Earth Community Map
Community Map

Interactive Driving Directions
Personal Mobility Device Path Map
Personal Micromobility Device Pathways


All vehicles must have a valid parking permit in order to park on-campus.  Parking permits are required on the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are only available for purchase online.  Visit UCI Transportation for more information.

Las Lomas

Address: Los Trancos Drive, Irvine CA 92617


Las Lomas Community Map Thumbnail     

Community Map                                                 Interactive Driving Directions


All vehicles must have a valid parking permit in order to park on-campus.  Parking permits are required on the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are only available for purchase online.  Visit UCI Transportation for more information.

Palo Verde

Address: 7000 Palo Verde Road Irvine, CA 92697-3930


Palo Verde Community Map     Palo Verde on Google Maps

Community Map                                                 Interactive Driving Directions


Palo Verde residents must register their vehicles on the Virtual Permit Management System (VPMS)in order to park in Palo Verde without being cited. Request visitor parking passes on the VPMS site. For more information on parking in Graduate and Family Housing, visit the Grad Parking page.

Verano Place

Address:6529 Adobe Circle South Irvine, CA 92617


Verano Place Community Map     

Community Map                                                 Interactive Driving Directions


Verano Place residents must register their vehicles on the Virtual Permit Management System (VPMS) in order to park in Verano Place without being cited. Request visitor parking passes on the VPMS site. For more information on parking in Graduate and Family Housing, visit the Grad Parking page.