Health & Safety

Student health and safety are top priorities in all of our housing communities; housing staff are available around the clock to maintain a safe and secure environment. Residential facilities are locked 24 hours a day; residents’ keys open the front doors as well as their own rooms.

Residents with questions or concerns about safety in their community should contact their community housing office or Student Housing at: or 949-824-6811.  In the event of an emergency, call 911.

UC Vaccine Requirements

Learn about UC immunization and TB testing requirements on the Student Health Center website, ALL incoming students are REQUIRED to obtain:

  • COVID-19 vaccination
  • Seasonal Flu vaccination
  • MMR, Varicella, Tdap, and Meningitis ACWY vaccination (Medical Exemptions may be considered for students with medical conditions which may be contraindications for these vaccines.)

Declination Letters may be submitted for seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccines, without the need for a Medical Exemption request.

For more information visit the Student Health Center website.

COVID-19 and Flu Prevention and Response

To reduce the chances of getting sick and to take care of yourself if you do, consider the following guidelines:


  • Wash or sanitize hands regularly;
  • Wear a mask if you have respiratory symptoms, have a known exposure, when in a higher risk setting or crowded indoor setting. Masks are available for free from various locations on campus, including housing communities;
  • Stay home when sick and test if you have symptoms or have a known exposure; Pick up a free antigen test, available from various locations on campus, including housing communities (as long as supplies last). More information on the Face Coverings and Voluntary Use Respirators page;
  • For students living in the Residence Halls, if you are isolating in your room, you can order a “sick tray” for meals. Instructions are provided on the Dining Options page.
  • For more information visit the Student Health Center website.

Campus Resources

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center provides comprehensive outpatient services from physicians, dentists, optometrists, nurses and nurse practitioners, physician assistants, mental health professionals, and nutritional counselors. Student Health also offers basic radiology and clinical laboratory services, insurance consultation, and an on-site pharmacy.


Counseling Center

The Counseling Center offers individual assistance, group sessions, and classes/workshops.


Campus Assault Resources and Education (CARE)

The CARE Center provides confidential consultation, advocacy, group counseling, and other victim support services, as well as educational workshops and training aimed at prevention and better communication.


Center for Student Wellness and Health Promotion

The Center for Student Wellness and Health Promotion promotes healthy lifestyle choices through education, leadership opportunities, and campus programming. Friendly and professional health educators provide consultation on stress management, nutrition and body image, sexual health, tobacco education, and substance abuse prevention. The Center for Student Wellness and Health Promotion also offers a Wellness Room, Lactation Station, DVD library, campus and community referrals for health related issues, assessments for alcohol and other drug related issues, and free anonymous HIV testing. There are also many leadership opportunities (volunteer, paid, class credit) for student involvement.

949-UCI-WELL (824-9355)

UCI Hazing Prevention Coalition

The UCI Hazing Prevention Coalition is a group of students, faculty, and staff that meets regularly to ensure the UCI community is actively working on hazing prevention education and fostering a healthy campus culture.

Protecting Your Personal Safety and Property

Taking responsibility for your personal safety is imperative in a community living environment. Although the RAs conduct safety rounds at night and police services are available, you need to take action to safeguard yourself.

Personal Safety Measures
  • Carry your key at all times
  • Lock your door at all times, even if you are going next door or using the restroom
  • Do not lend your key to anyone
  • Avoid walking alone at night. Walk with a friend or call the Safety Escort Service 949-824-SAFE
  • Avoid parking or walking in unlit areas
  • Do not prop open interior or exterior doors
  • Report any non-locking doors and windows to your community’s housing office immediately
  • Report unsafe or suspicious items or persons to your community’s housing office and/or the UCI Campus Police (9‑1‑1)
  • Do not attach bikes or other items to stairwell railings. Bicycle racks are provided in all housing communities; additional storage is available in some areas. Illegally parked bicycles may be removed and impounded
  • Do not store items in hallways or obstruct doorways
Campus Safety

Emergency Blue Light PhoneBlue light phones, which provide direct communication with the UCI Police Department, are located within each housing community and throughout the campus. UCI also provides a Safety Escort Servicefor students who are traveling on foot at night. For more information, visit the UCI Police Department’s Campus Safety website.

Emergency Situations

If you encounter an emergency where an individual needs immediate medical attention, call 9‑1‑1. For non-life-threatening emergencies (e.g., flooding in a bathroom, a broken window, etc.), contact your community housing office during office hours or call the DUTY LINE after hours and 24 hours a day on weekends and holidays.

Notification of Medical Issues

The housing office requests that all students with special medical conditions report them to a trusted roommate, RA or HA, and your community housing office so that we are better able to assist you in a time of medical need. The information will be kept confidential and only used to assist a resident with a medical need. Residents must inform their community housing office of all suspected or actual cases of contagious disease, such as hepatitis, meningitis, or chicken pox. For safety reasons, students who must use hypodermic needles or other skin piercing tools must dispose of them in a properly labeled, puncture resistant, leak-proof container.

Personal Property

The University is not responsible for damage to personal property caused by natural occurring events (floods, earthquakes, etc.) or facility malfunctions (plumbing, electrical, etc.). Residents are encouraged to secure renter’s insurance to protect their belongings. Renters insurance may be purchased through GradGuardTM or another provider of your choice.

Prevention and Treatment of Bed Bugs

Infrequently, a resident in Student Housing may come across bed bugs in their living space or a common area. Bed bugs can be hard to find and identify because they are tiny and try to stay hidden. Bed bugs can survive for months without feeding.

  1. If you believe there are bed bugs in your unit or a common area, please alert the community housing office immediately.
  2. The community housing office will contact the pest control professionals to come out and assess the pest on hand. The vendor will determine if bed bugs are present.
  3. If present, the housing community will work with the vendor and resident(s) to schedule thermal heat treatment, which uses high temperatures to rid the unit of bed bugs. Chemical treat may be simultaneously applied to other areas of the impacted area as determined by the vendor.
  4. The vendor will also provide residents with clear instructions on laundering clothes, laundering linens, cleaning unit, and managing furniture that is not university owned. It is imperative that the resident follow allow of these instructions to ensure the overall treatment is effective.
  5. Student Housing will manage any impacted furniture that is owned by the university.
  6. Student Housing and impacted residents will be provided with follow up documentation regarding the treatment process.

Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Know I Know If There Are Bed Bugs Present?

  • Appearance: Bed bugs have six legs, flat bodies and are about ¼ of an inch in length. Their color can vary from red and brown to copper. Young bed bugs are very small. Their bodies are about 1/16 of an inch in length. They have almost no color. When a bed bug feeds, its body gets bigger and turns bright red. Bed bugs do not fly. They can either crawl or be carried from place to place on objects, people, or animals.
  • Bed Bug Bites: Because bed bugs usually feed at night, most people are bitten in their sleep and do not realize they were bitten. A person’s reaction to insect bites is an immune response and so varies from person to person. Sometimes, the red welts caused by the bites will not be noticed until many days after a person was bitten, if at all.
  • Common Signs and Symptoms of Possible Bed Bug Infestation: Small red to reddish brown spots on mattresses, box springs, bed frames, linens, upholstery, or walls; Molted bed bug skins, white, sticky eggs, or empty eggshells; Very heavily infested areas may have a characteristically sweet odor; Red, itchy bite marks, especially on the legs, arms, and other body parts exposed while sleeping.

How Does a Bed Bug Infestation Start?

  • Bed bugs can be carried on luggage, clothes, bedding, furniture, or other objects. They can be “picked up” while traveling or transporting belongings.
  • Second-hand or discarded mattresses and furniture, clothing and linens can be a source. Never remove furniture or mattresses from sidewalks or other disposal sites and bring them back to your bedroom or living area.

Ways to Prevent Pests and Bed Bugs
Prior to Move In:

  • Thoroughly vacuum out all luggage prior to packing for move in at UCI.
  • Launder all clothing, bedding, and other linen at the hottest temperature possible, while still being safe for the items.
  • Avoid purchasing and bringing in second hand furniture.

While Living at UCI:

  • Keep your living area clean and tidy. Avoid accumulating clutter, reducing potential hiding places.
  • Vacuum dorm room or apartment often, especially around bed(s) and upholstered furniture.
  •  Regularly inspect bedroom furniture and linen.  Look for brown or red streaking or dotting.
  • Keep a mattress cover on your mattress at all times.
  • If a hole or crack in the wall is found in a dorm room or apartment, submit a work order for it to be sealed.  This will prevent transfer of pests from one room to another.
  • When traveling, use precaution.  Inspect beds and look for signs of infestation.  If staying in a hotel, always use luggage racks, do not place bags or clothing onto the bed directly.
  • To help prevent the introduction of pests in your room or apartment, check yourself prior to going inside after spending time outdoors to ensure you are not inadvertently carrying any pests.

Missing Student Policy and Procedure

UC Irvine is committed to the safety and well being of all students. In the event notification is received that a student living in UCI-owned on-campus housing is determined missing, based on the facts and circumstances known to UCI, the University will follow procedures established to ensure that prompt and appropriate actions are taken by campus personnel. For complete policy and procedure, see the Missing Student Policy.

Disaster/Earthquake Preparedness

Student Housing has emergency preparedness plans for each on-campus community, and there are ways that students can prepare themselves as well. The UCI Police Department has offered Emergency Preparedness guidelines for UCI Students. In an emergency such as an earthquake, gas leak, or natural disaster, follow the procedures listed below.

During an earthquake

Listen for the instructions of your RA, HA, or another staff member.

  • If you are indoors, get under a table or desk, or against an inside corner of the room. Get away from glass or heavy objects that may fall on you.
  • Do not run outside during the earthquake. The risk of being injured by falling bricks or breaking glass is much higher when you are outside.
  • If you are outdoors, try to remain in an open area away from tall trees, buildings or electrical lines.
  • Evacuate after the shaking has stopped, DO NOT EVACUATE AUTOMATICALLY. Evacuate the building only if told to do so by emergency responders or if you feel it is unsafe to remain inside. Lock your door, wear shoes for protection, and take your keys and emergency supplies.
  • Do not light a match or turn on a light because of possible gas leaks or electrical shortages.
  • If evacuated, proceed to the designated evacuation assembly area in your community. Emergency evacuation procedures and the evacuation assembly areas are posted prominently in each hall and public facility. Please become familiar with the instructions in advance of an emergency or drill.
Disaster Supplies

Student Housing has a limited amount of disaster supplies, and we encourage residents to gather their own personal supplies and to make their own plans in case of an earthquake (e.g. Personal Disaster Prep Kit).

Disaster Drills

Student Housing conducts two disaster drills every year: one at the beginning of fall quarter and another during winter or spring quarter. All students are required to participate in the drills if they are present in the community.

The Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) department provides information and resources for a variety of safety related situations.

Safety in Housing Facilities

The Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) department provides information and resources for a variety of safety related situations.

Kitchen safety

Improper use of cooking appliances can lead to fires, smoke damage, and risk of personal injury. Never leave cooking food unattended! Know where your kitchen fire extinguisher is located. If you need instruction or information on fire prevention, ask your Resident Advisor or a professional Housing staff member.

Fire alarm Testing and Fire Drills

Fire evacuation plans are posted in most residential building(s). Become familiar with the evacuation plan for your hall, house or apartment before a fire or other disaster occurs. Every alarm must be treated as an indication of a real emergency. Always evacuate a building when an alarm sounds. Undergraduate Housing communities conduct fire drills twice during the year: one at the beginning of fall quarter and another during winter or spring quarter. Residents are expected to evacuate their buildings and proceed to the designated assembly area during both drills.

Upon discovery of a fire, alert others, leave the area and close all doors behind you. Please pull the nearest fire alarm box and dial 911 to report the fire. The procedure for evacuation is as follows:

  1. Close and lock your door and take your key with you. Exit the building immediately through the nearest and safest path.
  2. Once you are out of the building, go to the designated assembly area.
  3. Re-enter the building only after receiving instructions to do so from fire officials or from your community housing staff.

Undergraduate housing communities conduct safety “walk-through inspections” each year. Professional staff from Student Housing and Environmental Health and Safety conducts in-room inspections that focus on electrical hazards, fire safety issues, and unsafe furniture arrangements. Staff also enters rooms quarterly to test and inspect fire sprinkler and alarm systems.

Sprinklers, Smoke & Heat Detectors

Each student should be aware of the sensitivity of the sprinklers, smoke detectors and heat detectors that are present in their room, hallways, or apartments. These can be activated by water, force, pressure, or sudden shock. When smoke or heat detectors are triggered, they activate the building alarm system alerting residents, the Police Department and the Fire Department.


  • Some room smoke detectors are battery operated.
  • To ensure your safety it is imperative that batteries are left in the smoke detectors at all times.
  • When the batteries are low, the detector will emit a periodic beeping sound. If this happens, submit a work order in your community Housing Office to have the battery replaced.
  • Your community maintenance staff conducts periodic smoke detector checks to ensure their working condition.
  • Residents should not touch, tamper with, or attempt to investigate any fire safety equipment.

Campus Safety Statistics

Pursuant to the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1999, the University of California, Irvine annually makes available to all students, faculty, and staff a UCI Campus Security Report and Statistics on the reported occurrences of criminal activity on and off campus and at the UCI Medical Center.

UCI’s annual security report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crime that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings owned and controlled by UCI, at the UCI Medical Center, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus and Medical Center. The report also includes institutional policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. A copy of the annual security report is available online and in person from the Police Department, 150 Public Services Building, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697; telephone: 949-824-5223; Crime Prevention Unit telephone: 949-824-7181.